By partnering with a community composter, your impact goes far beyond the compost pile. You’re positively impacting our local food system and helping to support community well-being, ecosystem resiliency, and consumer empowerment – or equity, environment, and economy.
Local food production plays a big part in building a healthy, sustainable community.
Through our partnership with LA Compost, we contribute to a network of 28 neighborhood farming and composting hubs. These communities enjoy the proven health benefits of working outdoors in a garden setting. In addition, food grown in compost-rich soil has been shown to contain more robust nutrients. Composting also reduces greenhouse gases, which means cleaner air for all of us to breathe!
Composted food scraps produce nutrient-rich soil that retains moisture and grows healthy crops, completing a perfect food-to-food loop.
Contrary to popular belief, food waste in landfills doesn’t biodegrade because there is no oxygen. Instead, it produces methane, a greenhouse gas about 30 times more potent than carbon dioxide. By filling up your Compostable bin, your food scraps become nutrients, not pollutants. Compost also reduces greenhouse gas emissions by capturing carbon dioxide in the air. A twofold solution to climate change! Aren’t you glad you compost?
Compostable’s supply chain is made up of companies that also promote The green economy.
For instance, Roboro makes our sawdust sacks out of textile waste diverted from landfills. Through our partnerships, we help advance the missions of vital nonprofit and social good companies. We want to make sure your dollars and our dollars go towards helping to support locally-based organizations improving the resiliency of our communities and the environment.
Composting your food scraps instead of throwing them in the trash is one of the simplest ways to slow climate change and build community resilience. It's also one of the most impactful.
When you throw away food, it heads to a landfill or incinerator. In a landfill, there is no oxygen and the food slowly mummifies, making methane. This greenhouse gas can hold 30% more heat than carbon dioxide!
For communities, often communities of color, living near these landfills, this leads to toxic air quality and serious health effects, like cancer, asthma, genetic mutations, and cognitive issues.
Healthy soils lead to cleaner air, cleaner water, and healthier food.
Insecurity becomes abundance through community-based food systems.
We value transparency in our “waste” systems. It's a key ingredient in reconnecting people to the planet they rely on.
When people understand the way food scraps can help restore the planet by generating living soil that keeps greenhouse gases out of the air, filters pollutants out of stormwater, recharges our aquifers, and helps plants and trees thrive, we can all find healing.
By filling up your Compostable bin, your food scraps become nutrients, not pollutants.
Compost reduces greenhouse gas emissions by capturing carbon dioxide in the air and storing it in the ground.
Decentralized, local systems create community self-reliance and stability. Compostable contributes to the local green economy through job creation and mindful supply chain management.
Consumer empowerment through strategic spending grows the changes we want to see in our communities. By choosing suppliers with shared values, Compostable is supporting the local upcycling and reuse market.
Together, we are building a network of green businesses, entrepreneurs, and employees who are aligned in their purpose to create a healthier Los Angeles. A portion of our Environmental Justice Plan memberships go towards programs focused on environmental education, green job preparation, wealth redistribution, and much more!
Through our partnerships, we help advance the missions of vital nonprofit and social impact companies.
Composting sustains more local jobs than disposal facilities and creates more green infrastructure.
We’d love to expand our network of community partners. If you think we could work together, please reach out!
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